What is a keyword?
- A keyword is an informative word used to describe the content of a document.
- For example, keywords are words/phrases you can type into a search bar and will locate books, articles, and other library resources with content relevant to the entered word/phrase.
In generating keywords/search terms for your keyword searches:
- Consider the transition theory (Examples: Transition theory, student development theory, etc.)
- Consider the name of the author (Examples: Arthur Chickering, Nancy Schlossberg)
- Consider adding additional words (Examples: veteran, civilian transition, etc.)
- Pro-Tip: Use the asterisk ( * or shift-8 key) to increase search results (Example: veteran* will return hits for veteran AND veterans)
Please refer to library reference materials (books, online encyclopedias, etc.) for additional information, or contact a librarian at coeref@uwyo.edu for further assistance with keywords and keyword searching in the library system.