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Resource Discovery and Management: Record sources

This guide contains policies and procedures for the UW Libraries Resource Discovery and Management Division.

Sources of record sets

FTP Host:
Login/password: anonymous
Remote directory: /output/ftp/7vc76lw9
Record sets and load profiles:

Record type Load profile Notes
Shipping list records (S) Load Marcive SHIPPING LIST records  
Full gov. doc. records (F) Load Marcive FULL records Overlays corresponding shipping list records
ERIC records (R) Load Marcive ERIC records Use this profile for both new and changed record sets

Shipping list record sets come weekly. Full record sets come monthly.  ERIC record sets (new and changed) come infrequently but no more often than once a month.

Serials Solutions
FTP Host:
Login/password: UnivWyoming/28WYV14
Remote directory: [none specified]
Record sets and load profiles:

Record type Load profile Notes
Journal records (J) Load Serials Solutions eJournal records Use this profile for new, changed, and deleted record sets.  For deleted record sets, select the option to create a review file, then use Rapid Update to mark the records in the review file for deletion.
Ebook records (E) Load Serials Solutions Ebook records Use this profile for new, changed, and deleted record sets.  For deleted record sets, select the option to create a review file, then use Rapid Update to mark the records in the review file for deletion.

Serials Solutions record sets come once a month, in a zipped file containing six record sets: new, changed, and deleted records for journals and for ebooks.

YBP Invoices
FTP Host:
Login/password: uwyoming/nu3t&S
Remote directory: /uwyoming/oclc for print resources; /uwyoming/ecat for ebooks
Record sets and load profiles:
Load invoice using the Acquisitions module, "import invoices" function

YBP DDA (consortial Alliance project)
FTP Host:
Login/password and remote directory:

Vendor Login/password Remote directory
EBL coalliance/M#22kn /coalliance/DDA
ebrary coaebrary/G12vs& /coaebrary/uofw

Record sets and load profiles:
Provisional record sets have file names formatted as: ddannnnnyyyymmdd.f1.mrc (for example, dda1062220150712.f1.mrc), where:
   nnnnn is the vendor identifier: 10621 is a file from ebrary, 10622 is a file from EBL
   yyyymmdd is the date the file was generated
Load these files using the "(Y) Load Alliance YBP DDA Ebook new records" profile.

EBL sends delete files approximately monthly; the notification email will contain a link to download the file so FTP is not used.  These files are loaded with the "(B) Load Alliance YBP DDA change/delete records" profile.

Fully cataloged records for purchased titles are sent weekly by Beth Oehlerts at CSU.  The record set will be included as an attachment to the email.  These files are loaded using the "(Z) Load a MARC file" profile, but require pre- and post-processing.  See the documented special procedures for details.

FTP Host:
Login/password: 4900137/4900137
Remote directory: [none specified]
Record sets and load profiles:
Use the "(M) Load MCNAUGHTON records" profile.