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Resource Discovery and Management: Documents Processing and Handling

This guide contains policies and procedures for the UW Libraries Resource Discovery and Management Division.

Documents Processing and Handling

GPO Advertisement Publications

  1. These items come with the regular shipping lists - most likely with paper.
  2. They do not circulate and are kept in the “GPO Advertisement publications” binder located in the Documents Division desk/area.
  3. Process them as regular paper documents.
  4. Suppress the item record by entering the “n” in the “Item Suppress (I2) box”
  5. Change the location to “tcat” for Cataloging Dept., but remember that they go in the binder.
  6. Place them in the binder.

Filing for Documents Errata

Errata come in many different forms.  It can be called transmittals, changes, supplements, updates, revised, amendments, replacements, corrections and errata just to name a few common ones.

Treat them just like regular documents by printing a label or writing their SuDoc number in the top left corner of the document and date/property and shipping list stamp.  Check the errata in on Sierra or make sure a Marcive record loads for it.  After this has been done, the errata can be placed on the errata shelf.  Recall the parent document from the appropriate location and either switch them or insert the errata.

NOTE:  If a parent document cannot be found, send the errata document to be shelve with the regular documents.  This list is a record of lonely errata, which GPO has told us can be discarded one year after receipt. 

Second, on most errata there will be a list of what is being replaced/updated or removed from the parent document, so just follow the sheet.  Replace the pages with the corrected ones, double check all pages so you do not toss pages that you are not supposed to.  Every once in a while the government does not print a page that tells you what is being replaced, in these cases you must rely on the page numbers on the replacement pages to remove the old pages in the parent document.

Records and Statistics

We keep statistics on all documents that come through the unit.  We keep records of the shipping lists we have received in order to know whether or not we have missed a shipment or shipments. We keep track of whether the documents received are depository documents or non-depository documents.  We keep track of all items that are checked in on Sierra.  The shipping lists eventually get filed in numerical order by format and get bound to keep for future reference.          

Shipping lists

Each format has a sheet to keep track of the “SHIPPING LISTS” binder located in the Documents Division desk area.  Circle the number of each shipping list on its sheet when it has been received.  This is generally done once a week, more often if a lot of lists are received and the folder gets full.  The sheets are for the current year only and the sheets need to be replaced annually.  For example, if your shipping list number is 2014-0030-M, you would turn to the microfiche page and circle number 30 on the sheet for 2014.  All shipping list formats work the same way.  The template for printing this sheet is located on the L:\ drive under GovDocs>Templates>Shipping lists templates.

Statistics of receipts

At the end of the “SHIPPING LISTS” binder are the monthly statistics sheets for documents.  See example # 1 for a copy of the statistics sheet.  For the paper items, you add up all the paper and separates format counts on the bottom of each shipping list (making sure to count the maps separately) and write the number on the “GPO Depository Paper Titles Added” section.  All of the microfiche should have the number of titles/pieces on the bottom of the shipping list.  Tally the number of titles first and write it in, and then add up the pieces received.  These get written in the “GPO Depository Microfiche Title/Pieces Added” section.

At the end of every month, the statistics for the month for each category are all added up and written in the department’s statistics notebook, which is located currently on the table by the entrance to the department in-front of the window.  There is a separate section for documents statistics.  The accounting department will then take care of keeping track of all our statistics for the year.  The old monthly statistics sheet is put in a file called “Documents Statistics” in the Documents Division desk.  At the end of the each month also record the statistics on the “docs cumulative statistics” excel spreadsheet found in the Statistics folder of the L:>GovDocs>Statistics>docs cumulative statistics.  Annual, consolidate the monthly statistical counts using the “docs cumulative statistics” excel spreadsheet.  After the cumulative statistics are tallied, the monthly sheets can be recycled.



Bindery is done on an “as needed” basis.  You will need to go to Reference and the Annex to pull the documents that will need to be bound.  Use the Bindery list found at L:\NewGovDoc\Bindery to learn what we bind and when.  After locating and pulling the documents from the stacks you will need to check for barcodes and missing issues and flag them.  Note:  Flag the items with sticky notes so they can be easily seen.  You will need to search for the missing issues for a few weeks before sending them to be bound.  Then put the issues in order (as you would find them in the bound volume, not on the shelf, i.e. January on top through December on the bottom).  Items with barcodes should go to Cataloging for item record deletion.  Type a note on goldenrod paper stating what items are missing from the volume and insert it into the issues to be bound.    

At the end of this section you will find the bindery deadlines for the year.  Use these deadlines to guide when you start bindery each month.  Also check with supervisor if unsure if questions arise.        

Receiving bindery

The processing unit will bring your document boxes over to you when they come back from the bindery.  First take the documents out of the boxes and put them on a book truck.  There will be a sheet that you get from ABLE that lets you know what you should be getting back.  Match the two pieces of paper with the white sheet from inside of the cover of the book.  Make sure all the information on the sheet matches what is on the spine of the document. Make sure that the content of the cover matches what the cover says is inside.  Make sure the spine is in good condition and no mistakes were made in printing.  Then write the SuDoc number on the flyleaf and date/property stamp the document, as you do with all hardbound documents.  Do this with all of the documents returning from the bindery.  Note:  Flag any documents with problems, bad spine or call number mistakes for the processing unit head.  Set the documents with problems aside.  Don’t write or stamp these.  They may need to be sent back.

Most documents sent to the bindery will have a loose barcode attached to the bindery sheet.  These barcodes will need to be affixed inside the back cover of the document near the top, center.  Once the barcode is affixed, use it to change the status of the item in Sierra from “At Bindery” to “Available.”  In Sierra, select barcode from the drop-down search menu.  Use the barcode reader attached to your computer to scan the barcode into the search box.  Once the item is retrieved, highlight the status field and change the “b” to a “-“.  Save and close the record and repeat the process with the rest of the bindery.