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Wyoming Nursing Resources: Geriatrics

Provides links and videos for graduating nursing students who are interested in life long learning and accessing articles and information after graduation.

eBooks @ National Library of Medicine

Titles that might be of interest to health professionals providing care to older adults are:

Interventions to Prevent Falls in Older Adults

An Updated Systematic Review
Evidence Syntheses, No. 80

Investigators: Yvonne L Michael, ScD, MS, Jennifer S Lin, MD, MCR, Evelyn P Whitlock, MD, MPH, Rachel Gold, PhD, MPH, Rongwei Fu, PhD, Elizabeth A O’Connor, PhD, Sarah P Zuber, MSW, Tracy L Beil, MS, and Kevin W Lutz, MFA.
Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center
Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); December 2010.
Report No.: 11-05150-EF-1

 Systematic Evidence Review of Non-pharmacological Interventions for Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia

Evidence-based Synthesis Program
Investigators: Maya E O'Neil, PhD, Michele Freeman, MPH, Vivian Christensen, PhD, Robin Telerant, MD, Ashlee Addleman, MPH, and Devan Kansagara, MD, MCR.
Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; March 2011.

Geriatric Websites

Government Websites on Aging