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American Heritage Center, Military History Subject Guide: Westward Expansion

This guide serves as a brief overview of some of the collections held by the American Heritage Center relating to the topic of military history.

Westward Expansion Quick Facts

Time Period: 1803-1890

Important Overland Trails: Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, California Trail, Pony Express Trail, Bozeman Trail

Important Points/Battles: War of 1812, Sand Creek Massacre, Seminole Wars, Black Hawk's War, Wounded Knee, Little Big Horn


Image: Moonlight on the Little Big Horn River, Coll. 2394, Richard Throssel Papers, AHC. 

Information from the History Channel

Westward Expansion Collections

James S. Brisbin Papers, 1868-1892

Acc. # 1932

Brisbin enlisted in the 7th Pennsylvania Volunteers early in the Civil War and fought in the First Battle of Bull Run. After his extensive service in the Civil War, he was promoted to Major and assigned to the 2nd U.S. Calvary during the Indian Wars.

The collection includes letters from Brisbin to his wife during his military service, his obituary, and a copy of his military record.


Lafayette E. Campbell Papers, 1866-1872

Acc. #10435

Campbell was commissioned as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army's 22nd Infantry. During 1871, he was stationed at Fort Randall in the Dakota Territory and St. Paul, Minnesota, as well as taking part in the expedition to the Yellowstone River.

The collection includes Campbell's diary from 1871, military orders, and a certificate for his service in the U.S. Army.


Thaddeus H. Capron Papers, 1864-1966

Acc. #1694

Thaddeus Capron served in the Fifty-fifth Illinois Volunteers during the Civil War and rose through the ranks from private to major. In 1867, he commissioned as a lieutenant in the Army and served until he retired in 1887.

The collection contains letters between Capron and his officers and family as well as newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and a diary from 1868.


Robert Dunlap Clarke Papers, 1867-1868

Acc. 10451

Robert Dunlap Clarke served as a U.S. Army paymaster in 1867 and 1868 for the Forts along the Bozeman Trail.

Clarke's diaries include reminiscences from his time traveling the Bozeman Trail as well as drawings of Forts Phil Kearny, Fetterman, and Reno in present-day Wyoming and Fort C.F. Smith in present-day Montana and the areas surrounding the forts. Clarke also includes the history and myths of the Sioux and other Plains tribes that he was told during his journeys. 


Nelson Cole Papers, 1861-1899

Acc. #11456

Nelson Cole volunteered for the Civil War and served in the Missouri Artillery. After the Civil War, he became part of the Powder River Expedition sent to deal with Native American aggressions on the Great Plains.

The collection includes military correspondence from the Powder River Expedition. The correspondence includes official orders, supply reports, telegraphs, and other materials from the expedition.


John J. Coppinger Photograph Album, 1895-1896

Acc. #5647

John Coppinger served as a Captain in the 14th U.S. Infantry. After years of service, he was promoted to Brigadier General and received the additional star of Major-General of Volunteers during the Spanish-American War.

The collection contains a photograph album gifted to Coppinger by Antonio Apache. The album includes photos of the Bannock Campaign in 1895 near Jackson Hole Country, Wyoming.