Once your EndNote Desktop software is installed, go to the File menu, "New"...to create and open a new library. By default, the file is named "My EndNote Library.enl" but it can be renamed. Save the new library to a destination on your hard drive. (Note: Only one EndNote Desktop Library can be synced with EndNote Basic; therefore, it may be best to organize references into groups-- i.e., folders--rather than into separate libraries.)
Some functions, including "Find Full Text" and "Connections" will require set-up to work with the University of Wyoming Libraries databases.
Settings for "Find Full Text"
Navigate to the Edit menu, Preferences, Find Full Text. Make sure all the database boxes are checked. Copy and paste the OpenURL for UW Libraries:
Leave the "Authenticate with" URL blank.
Click 'OK" when finished.
EndNote Online Search, Database Options for Connections
Connections allow you to search a database or library catalog and download citations from within EndNote, without navigating to the library website.
Connections to databases and catalogs can be downloaded from the EndNote website: http://endnote.com/downloads/connections. Save the files to the Connections folder under the main EndNote folder.
Make sure any databases (and vendor/interface, if specified) you select are available from the UW Libraries, such as Academic Search Premier. Many of the UW Libraries subscription article databases will not be available as Connections, and therefore require searches to be started from within the library database.
To set access to Connections: Go to the Edit menu (for Windows), Connection Files, Open Connection Manager. Select the database (such as Academic Search Premier) that you want to set. Choose Edit, then Connection Setting. Uncheck the boxes for UserID and Password.