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How to Find Streaming Media and Audio: Microforms

Microform Collection

Coe Microforms

There are several specialized microform collections in Coe Library.

  • One of the largest is the newspaper collection, which includes the four major national newspapers: New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and the Christian Science Monitor. The only major regional paper available is the Denver Post. Numerous Wyoming papers are also available.
  • Specialized subject sets, arranged by Library of Congress or Superintendent of Documents (government documents) call numbers, are also available. Indexes to the specialized subject sets in microform are located in the Microforms Index Collection, designated MINDEX. This collection can be found in the microform area on Level 1. If you want help with using these indexes, please ask for assistance at the Help Desk (on Level 2).
  • Backruns of some journals are provided in microform, especially when the paper volumes were so damaged that they couldn't be bound or we could not acquire them in print. These may be either microfilm or microfiche and are organized by Library of Congress call number.

Service and assistance for the microform collection are available at the Help Desk on Level 2.

Microform Scanner

The Libraries provides a microform scanner so you can read microforms and produce digital images that can be stored on a personal USB drive.

Geology Library

The Geology Library has a small microfiche collection, which is mostly uncataloged (this means you'll need assistance at the Geology Circulation Desk). The collection contains UW dissertations as well as dissertations related to the Earth Sciences from institutions in the United States and Canada.