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ORCID: Import Google Scholar Author Publications into ORCID

This resource provides information about creating and managing an ORCID profile in order to better manage your scholarship and to increase the visibility of your work.

About Google Scholar Profiles

Google Scholar offers a popular way to create a profile that showcases your own papers and the citations they’ve received. It also calculates a platform-dependent h-index.

Google Scholar Author Profile

Google Scholar Citations allows you to create a profile from existing Google Scholar data.

It displays your publications and citations, and calculates your h-index and i10-index.

Link your Google Scholar profile in the 'Websites' section of your ORCID profile.

Create a Google Scholar Author Profile

1. Sign into or create a Google account. It is recommended you use a private email address as this will mean you maintain access to your profile.

2. Fill in the Citations sign up form, entering name, affiliations, interests, etc. Include your UW email address at this point so that your profile appears in Google Scholar search results..

3. On the next page, you will be asked to verify articles that may have been written by you to add to your profile. You can also search for articles in Google Scholar and add them from there.

4. You will then have the option for new articles and updates to articles to be applied automatically to your profile. If you prefer you can review them beforehand. Details can always be updated manually.

5. Make sure your profile is set to public so that it will appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name.

Explore citations to your articles

Find out more about Google Scholar Citations Setup.

Importing your Google Scholar Author Profile publications into ORCID

To import Google Scholar Profile publications into ORCID:

1. Go to your Google Scholar Citations profile page
2. Select works to be exported and click Export
3. Select BibTeX and save the file
4. Login to ORCID and go to your record
5. Click 'Add works' and and select 'Import BibTeX' and select the file you saved in Google Scholar