Welcome to the Scholarship of Teach & Learning (SoTL) Research Guide. This guide provides some general databases along with specific journals related to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in different fields.
I think starting with what is Scholarship of Teach & Learning (SoTL) is a good place to start.
"The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning or SoTL is a systematic investigation of a teaching/learning issue that is shared for review, dissemination and possibly some action that changes what is done in the classroom. Along with traditional educational research and the learning sciences, SoTL helps to provide the evidentiary basis for classroom teaching practice in higher education. It’s valuable because findings from these studies frequently have strong external validity, which is to say that they can be extended to other, similar classrooms and settings."
To search within Journals at UW Libraries select the box below.
Quote from University of Minnesota Research Guide: https://cei.umn.edu/teaching-resources/guide-scholarship-teaching-and-learning