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Library Instruction: Trouble Shooting

Import Steps

Log into WyoCourses and go to Commons.

WyoCourses Commons screenshot

Search for University of Wyoming Libraries, InfoLit, Libraries, or UW Libraries in the University of Wyoming Canvas Commons resources.

Select the module of your choice and then choose Import into Course. Repeat for additional library modules you plan to use. 

It may take a few minutes for the files to be imported into your course.

Once they have, open your course and go to Modules in the left-hand navigation. The library module(s) you imported will appear in your list of modules.

If you want students to go through different items at different times in the course, you can drag these tutorials and quizzes to where you'd like them to appear.

image of modules in Wyocourses

To set a due date for a quiz, click on the quiz (e.g. Quiz: Evaluating Information) and choose Edit in the top right. Date options are at the bottom of the page. Be sure to save your changes!

Quiz date options screenshot

To change how many points a quiz is worth, Edit the quiz and change the points possible. You can also choose for the quiz to not count toward the final grade. 

view of edit options

Students' quiz scores will appear in your gradebook for the class.