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Honors Capstone: Submitting Your Capstone

How to submit your Honors Capstone Project to WyoScholar

Ways to Submit

WyoScholar has the option for self-submission - this means that you can manually submit your items, and a librarian will review and approve that submission for full publication. Instructions to do so are located on the WyoScholar site here, as well as listed below in full.

If you cannot access self-submission or have a unique submission case, you can also request submission for an item by emailing 

Within your email submission, please include all attached files you want to have within the submission, as well as these mandatory fields:

  • Author(s)
  • Title
  • Publication Date (DD/MM/YYYY, or just Year)
  • Abstract/Short Description
  • Keywords (3-5 minimum)
  • Department or Graduation Date (Non-Student vs. Student)
  • Item Type (Article, Report, Thesis, Presentation, etc.)
  • Chosen Creative Commons License (for a full guide on CC licenses, please see the Copyright LibGuide, and the Creative Commons site)

Submission Instructions for Self-Submission

Starting a New Submission: UW Users


Note: If you are not currently affiliated with UW, please contact about submission; items will be reviewed and accepted or rejected on a case-by-case basis by the Digital Scholarship team.


Step 1: From the home page, click “Log In” in the top righthand corner of the page.



You MUST select “Log In With Shibboleth” as your option. This will ensure that your account is able to submit to all open collections within the repository.

If you accidentally create an account without using SSO, please contact Sierra Pandy at to be added to the proper submission group.








Step 2: Once you are logged in, you can navigate to the dark blue bar on the left hand side of the screen - select “New” at the top, and then “Item.”



Now you can select what collection you think your item should be deposited into. You can either scroll through the options, or start typing to find the collection you are looking for.

Note: We recommend browsing the collections in the repository before submitting, or contacting us if you are unsure of where to place your item.








Step 3: Fill Out the Item Submission Form

After selecting your collection, you will be taken to the item submission screen. Fill out all relevant information fields for your item.

Mandatory Information for submission:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Publication Date (an existing date if previously published, or the date of submission)
  • Abstract/Description
  • Keywords (2-5)
  • Item Type (Thesis, Article, Presentation, etc.)
  • Department (if Faculty/Staff) or Degree (if Student)
  • Advisor (if Student)



Step 4: Choose a License for Your Item


WyoScholar uses Creative Commons licensing on all of our items, you must choose a license when submitting. We strongly recommend choosing any license that does not include No Derivatives; this ensures that your items is fully open access and can be used within Open Educational Resource (OER) materials. 

There is a small questionnaire to help you choose a license if you are unsure. Please note that CC0 items mean that your work will be in the public domain, with no protections whatsoever; choose your license carefully unless you truly intend to place a CC0 license on your item. Make sure you select the check box under the license to apply it; you will not be able to finish the submission otherwise.

Note: CC0 license are for PUBLIC DOMAIN ONLY. If you choose a CC0 license, you are forfeiting your copyright as an author. Please only select this if you are required to by your granting agency or are sure you want this option. 








Step 5: Upload Your File

You can either upload at the very top of the screen, or in the dedicated upload box near the end of the submission form. Make sure that the file says it was uploaded successfully.

The preferred file format is PDF; this can also include presentations as they can be saved in a PDF format as well. Each item submission has the ability to upload multiple files; supplemental files to the main submission including figures, appendices, or slides can also be uploaded at this time.

Files in WyoScholar are named in a certain way; please be sure to rename your file before uploading:

  • For Faculty: FACW_YYYMMDD_AuthorLastName_AuthorFirstName_Title_ItemType
    • Example: FACW_20240712_Smith_John_SampleSubmission_Article


  • For Students: STUW_YYYYMMDD_AuthorLastName_AuthorFirstName_Title_ItemType
    • Example: STUW_20240715_Doe_Jane_SampleSubmission_Thesis




Step 6: Submit Your Item

Once you are sure that your file has uploaded properly, you can submit your item. This will notify our librarians to review your submissions for any errors, and if no changes need to be made, we will finalize the publishing of your item for you.