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German: Dictionaries + Background Information

This is a guide of librarian-recommended resources for research in German.

Online language dictionaries

Using background information

You get background information from reference sources, like encyclopedias. They are ideal for learning more about a topic or getting a good overview--you use them just like you use Wikipedia. Because they summarize information you generally can't use them in a research paper, but always check with your professor to be sure. 

Many of the entries in these background sources are written by experts, such as German language or literature or history professors, and they can be quite lengthy. Remember to check for recommended / related sources at the end of the entries, as these will often be prominent articles or books that will cover the topic in more detail.

Print language dictionaries

These dictionaries are in Coe Library, around the call number area PF 3640, found on Level 3. There are many more dictionaries than the ones listed here, so go ahead and browse in that area. You can check any of them out.

Cultural encyclopedias