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Intellectual, Academic, and Expressive Freedoms at the University of Wyoming: Freedom of Speech

Welcome to Intellectual, Academic, and Expressive Freedoms at public universities, your guide to navigating the vital principles of academic freedom, freedom of speech, intellectual freedom, and freedom of expression within the academic landscape .

Freedom of Speech Defined

Freedom of speech is defined as the right, protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, to express information, ideas, and opinions without government restrictions based on content. This right is subject to limitations, such as the "clear and present danger" test established in Schenk v. U.S. (1919), which assesses whether speech poses a serious and imminent threat to public safety or other significant interests.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2024, March 21). Freedom of speech. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from


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For information on library circulation services, such as borrowing, renewals, library account, fines, due dates, and more, please visit this link: Circulation Policies | UW Libraries.

Check it Out at Your Library

Library privileges are automatically extended to all registered University of Wyoming students, appointed or emeritus faculty, and permanent staff with a valid WyoOne card. Privileges include:

All current citizens of Wyoming can access a number of library databases through the Wyoming State Library's WYLD website. Users must have a current Wyoming public library card in order to use WYLD resources.

On-site free access to most of UW Libraries' electronic resources, such as databases and electronic journals, is available from public access terminals in Coe Library.

Community and courtesy library cards are available by request at any library Help Desk and provide borrowing privileges (excluding Prospector or Request It services) to:

  • Wyoming residents and spouses/dependents of University of Wyoming affiliates with a Wyoming driver's license, state ID card, WyoOne campus ID card, or government-issued photo ID and proof of residency. Residents under 18 years of age must have a signed parental permission form (PDF) on file. Registration must be updated annually.
  • Non-Wyoming residents with a driver's license, state ID card, or government-issued photo ID. A $20 account registration fee is assessed annually.
  • Campus workshop participants with authorization from the workshop coordinator, a parent/legal guardian permission form if under 18, and a photo ID. Registration is limited to the term of the workshop.


Books listed without a call number are only available as eBooks. The eBooks listed here are only available to UW students and employees. Many of books and ebooks are available at public libraries in Wyoming. 

New Publications - Freedom of Speech

Access to the articles linked below is restricted to University of Wyoming students and employees. Access may be available to Wyoming residents through the WYLD Network's  Academic Search Premier subscription. 

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