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Data Repositories: Wyoming Data Repository

Wyoming Data Repository

The Wyoming Data Repository (WDR) is an open-access institutional repository for research data supported by UW Libraries and ARCC (the Advanced Research Computing Center). WDR enhances the dissemination of research data by facilitating data discovery and reuse, communicating researcher-determined licensing terms, and encouraging data citation. WDR hosts data created by University of Wyoming students, faculty and staff in addition to University of Wyoming affiliates in the course of their research. You can visit the Wyoming Data Repository here and find more specific information in our Data Repository Policy.

Who can submit data?

Research data connected to the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming community college can be deposited in the repository. This means that data is authored by at least one current or former University of Wyoming or Wyoming community college researcher, research students or staff members; the research data is a result of research conducted at the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming community college; the data appears in a journal published, or a conference hosted, by the University or a Wyoming community college; or the data resulted from research undertaken using University of Wyoming community college facilities.

What data is allowed?

In general, the Wyoming Data Repository can handle any data type or size. You may deposit any kind of research output into the Wyoming Data Repository except for: 

  • Data that contains sensitive, restricted, or confidential information
  • Dynamic data (continuously updated data)
  • Data currently being used in the course of research
  • Record-only deposits

How to deposit to the Wyoming Data Repository

The Wyoming Data Repository supports self-submission of data. All deposits receive a unique, permanent identifier in the form of a DOI. Researchers can also track metrics for their data, get DOIs for publishers before the data is made public, and even place embargos on their data. 

To begin the process, visit the WDR landing page and click on "sign up". Once your account has been approved, you'll be ready to upload data. For more information on completing this process, check our full instructions or reach out to the Data Services Librarian.

To Deposit

In order to ensure complete records, all deposits must be reviewed before they are accepted to the repository. Certain information is required in order to complete the record. You will be prompted to provide this information in fields on the submission form, and should also include this information in a ReadMe file that accompanies your deposit. A ReadMe file provides information about a data file and is intended to help ensure that the data can be correctly interpreted by those that encounter it. There is a ReadMe template available on this page. For more information about ReadMe’s, check out this workshop from the Digital Scholarship Center or this page on Metadata and ReadMes.


Required information includes:
Title: Provide a title for the dataset.
Authors: Provide details for at least one author, including name and affiliation. An author ID, such as an ORCID, is strongly recommended but optional.
Point of contact: Provide contact information for at least one author.
Description: This can be an abstract or some other description of the data. Add as much context as possible so that others can interpret your research. 
Subject: Select the subjects that most accurately describe your data. You may select more than one.
Keywords: Keywords will make your data more discoverable.
File(s): Provide at least one file. A ReadMe is recommended. You may upload folders after the dataset draft has been created.

Adding License Terms:

License terms can be added after the draft dataset has been created. To do so, navigate to the "terms" tab on the dataset record page. Then, select "edit terms requirements". If you do not select a license, the dataset will default to CC0 1.0 (public domain). Unsure which license to choose? Check the information on our Data License page, or reach out to the Data Services Librarian


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ReadMe Template