Welcome to the University of Wyoming Libraries! These resources are intended as a starting place for research about women, LGBTQ+, and gender non-conforming musicians, composers, and artists in support of the UW Music Department's course on Gender and Music. Please feel free to use the email link in the left column to contact a librarian for assistance.
Books about gender in music: ML 82
Reference sources about women composers and their works: ML 128 .W7
Useful Keywords:
Feminism and music Masculinity in music Sex in music |
Women musicians Women composers
Gender identity in music Homosexuality and music |
Check out the Getting Started page for Music.
African American Music Reference
African-American Music Reference is a comprehensive reference database that chronicles the rich history of African-American music through 1970. It offers comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression. Resources include biographies, anthologies, encyclopedias, images, lyrics (digitized and fully searchable), song sheets, chronologies, critical textbooks, a comprehensive discography of the top African-American artists, and links to editorially selected Web resources.
Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice
The Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice focuses on equity in the jazz field and the role that jazz plays in the larger struggle for gender justice. The institute celebrates the contributions women have made in the development of the art form as well as frame more equitable conditions for all pursuing careers in jazz in an effort to work toward a necessary and lasting cultural shift in the field.
This award-winning database allows users to discover 4000 composers of historically underrepresented genders, racial, ethnic, and cultural heritages, and sexual orientations. You can search by composer name, living or deceased, common large and small ensemble genres, racial, ethnic, or cultural demographics, and by location (city, state, and country).
Learn stories of so many neglected women composers. Contains live interviews with women composers making their mark in the music world.
The Fine Arts & Music Collection includes 10.4 million articles on drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. More than 250 journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) index are available in full text.
Music and Performing Arts Collection (by ProQuest)
Music indexing/full-text database that covers journal articles back to 1874. On the ProQuest platform.
Women Composers by Time Period (by Grove Dictionary of Music)
This database includes biographical entries on women composers throughout history.