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Graduate Research: Theses & Dissertations: Research Integrity

Your Professional Obligations

Your reputation as a researcher is built on your scholarly record and the quality of your research, typically starting with your graduate studies.  Research integrity involves avoiding research misconduct by using honest and verifiable methods, and following rules, regulations, policies, professional norms, and codes of ethics. Research misconduct may involve plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification. Many research funders and publishers have written policies regarding research integrity, which may be found on their websites. Here are a few examples, with advice that can be informative for any researcher regardless of discipline.

Understanding Research Integrity & Misconduct

UW Research Support

Retractions (for research misconduct)

Research articles can be retracted when a determination of research misconduct is verified. Journals and article databases may flag search results entries as having been retracted; however, it is impossible to remove misinformation content completely. Citations in works that were published prior to retraction, will still appear in the scholarly literature, for example.  Here are some resources that can help in understanding and identifying retracted research articles.


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