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EDST 2450: Foundations for Development and Learning: Education Resources

Issues with ERIC documents

ERIC is an important resource for tracking education literature. ERIC indexes not only journals; it makes available the full text of research reports, conference papers, and other non-journal items. ERIC recently discovered that many  documents it had digitized a decade ago revealed private information. ERIC removed most documents from the Web and has been gradually restoring them.

In the meantime, you have several options:

Avoid the ERIC documents in your database search.

  • Use the Education Full Text database, which focuses on journals.
  • Use ERIC, but limit your search to journals. Select journals under search options or source types. Marking the peer-reviewed box is another option.
  • In the QuickSearch Advanced Search, select "KEYWORD" and "EQUALS EXACT PHRASE" to do a subject search. Ask a librarian if you need help finding the subject heading for your topic.

You may need to include ERIC documents for a thorough literature review. If so, here are some strategies for getting them.

  • Many of the documents are available from other organizations. Try a Google search for the item's title.
  • The library has many pre-2006 documents on microfiche. ERIC microfiche are on Level 1 of Coe Library and arranged by document (ED) number. Library staff can assist you in reading the microfiche and making copies. If you are off-campus, use Request It.
  • The documents may be available through other libraries. Use Request It and interlibrary loan staff will try to track down the document to get a copy for you.
  • ERIC is in the process of restoring the documents. Use their request form to give your needed document priority.






General Interdisciplinary Databases

Education Databases

You may wish to use more than one database for your topic. You'll find some overlap between databases, but each covers unique content. All include a box to mark if you want only peer-reviewed/scholarly articles.

Sage Research Methods

Test & Measures