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Thesis & Dissertation Publishing: Getting Started

This guide provides information and instruction on how to establish an account with ProQuest to publish a thesis or dissertation written at the University of Wyoming.

Find Resources for Finalizing Your Thesis or Dissertation

If you are seriously thinking about finalizing and publishing your thesis or dissertation, you are likely to be in the final stages of your graduate degree program. Keep up the hard work and momentum, as this is likely to be a stressful period fraught with time pressures. Hopefully, you have been drafting content (e.g., literature review, methods, data analyses) about your research project throughout your program. This guide points to resources about formatting and publishing (uploading) your research work to finish your thesis or dissertation.

On this page:

  • General guidance and policies on theses and dissertations from the UW Office of the Registrar
  • Formatting your thesis or dissertation

On guide tabs:

Disclaimer:  Note that the UW Libraries are not involved in the publication process. We are providing this information because we often receive questions on how to publish. The information in this guide is meant to direct you to the appropriate UW resources, to complete the publication of your graduate research as a thesis or dissertation.

Please contact your major professor for specific requirements and procedures for completing your graduate degree.

The University Libraries and the University of Wyoming no longer require a printed and bound copy of the thesis or dissertation to be provided to the library. This policy was enacted by the university in 2007. The UW Libraries will not accept any printed copies of your work. All work is stored digitally.

UW Guidance on Theses & Dissertations

The Office of the Registrar is currently the responsible office within the University of Wyoming for ensuring theses and dissertations are published electronically via ProQuest. The Registrar provides guidance on formats, styles, and other requirements.  Some resource information is also available from the Office of Graduate Education website for Enrolled Students.

Resources specific to formatting, finalizing, and submitting your thesis or dissertation are duplicated here for your convenience. Proper formatting of your uploaded document is critical to ensure timely publication. Take the time to ensure that formatting for margins, page numbering, line spacing, font styles, title length, front matter, back matter, and chapters is correct. For any multimedia supplemental files, make sure they are saved in an approved file type.

Formatting Help

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Library Search/Retrieval Options


UW Libraries QuickSearch: includes the collections of the University Libraries, UW Law Library, and the American Heritage Center.


Prospector: a unified catalog of twenty-three academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. UW students, faculty and staff can borrow materials from Prospector.



yellow arrow on a sky blue boxInterlibrary Loan: UW students, faculty and staff can request books, journal volumes, journal articles and other materials, regardless of whether it is available in the UW Libraries, online or in libraries around the world. A free service!