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Copyright Law: Permissions

This guide was compiled by Sierra Pandy and Shannon M. Smith and is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License except where otherwise noted.

Is this a situation of Fair Use?

When using copyrighted materials it is first important to assess the level of risk involved.

Does your use of a copyrighted work fit qualify as Fair Use?

Seeking Permissions: Where do I begin?

There can be a lot of detective work in pursuing permissions. Some of the questions you may have can include:

  1. Do I need to obtain permissions?
  2. If I need to locate a copyright holder how do I find them?
  3. Why do I need permissions in writing and how do I put them in my document?

When using copyrighted materials it is first important to access the level of risk involved.  If use doesn't fall under an exemption like Fair Use (see above) or carries a large amount of risk not resolved through the four factors of Fair Use, then it is best to seek permission.

As academics we find ourselves needing to seek permission when (1) we don't hold the copyright for our own previously published work or (2) when fair use isn't applicable with another author's copywritten work. Double check with a tool from University of Minnesota Libraries.

Here is an entertaining video on this rule of thumb --When in doubt, seek permission! (video).

These resources provide some answers.

Obtaining Copyright Permissions - University of Michigan Library