What are the oldest books in the collection?
Some books lack a publication date. The oldest books with known publication dates are:
How many publishers and countries are represented in the collection?
The books have come from over 340 different publishers (some lack publication information) and at least 23 countries.
What languages are found in the collection?
Most books are in English; other languages include: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Middle English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Maori, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. One book contains a single Bible verse translated into 267 languages.
What are the books about?
Subject matter is wide ranging. Some of the more common topics are alphabet books, papermaking, poetry, fairy tales, works by Shakespeare, and, of course, miniature books.
How does this collection compare to other miniature book libraries?
Two larger collections include: Indiana University—Bloomington’s Lilly Library that has 16,000 miniature books and the University of Virginia with over 13,000 books.