Special Collections staff will be able to spend a limited amount of time researching your question. Staff may also be able to refer researchers to other resources on and off campus. Our small staff, however, cannot undertake extensive research.
Reading Room Guidelines
Personal belongings must be stored in the area provided, and pencils must be used. Wireless is available and personal computers are allowed. Materials may only be used in the Reading Room.
Requesting Material
The Emmett D. Chisum Special Collections are in a closed stack area. These materials do not circulate, primarily to ensure that researchers will have ready access to them.
Researchers who are unable to visit Special Collections may submit inquiries via standard mail, phone, or email (ChisumRR@uwyo.edu). To request Hebard materials, have the call number and title of each item ready.
If you have a large number of items you would like pulled you may contact us at and we will have them ready for the date/time you specify. Please allow at least one business day.