In addition to print versions of popular magazines, many of those UW Libraries subscribes to are provided in a digital format by a publisher or other company. Here are a select few. Use the Journal Search page to locate other magazines available online.
The following links to the listed magazines will open on the publisher platform upon clicking the link.
National Geographic Virtual Library Complete archive 1888-1994, plus issues from 1995 to current on the Gale platform.
Smithsonian Collections Online Smithsonian magazine and Air & Space Smithsonian magazine.
The following links to the listed magazine will open the item's details page. Click on the "Online Availability" on the left to see which databases have full-text. Select from one of the choices provided based upon the date desired (current vs. historical). Please note that the magazines are generally text-only. The content is not an actual image of the page of the magazine.
Bloomberg Businessweek - on the EBSCO platform.
Car and Driver - On the Gale platform; one month embargo on current issue.
Cosmopolitan - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
The Economist - on the ProQuest platform. Through the databases you can locate specific issues. Be aware that although the magazine is published weekly, you will see daily entries rather than weekly is because of frequent blog entries by staff writers for this publication. You can also search by subject on this site.
Entertainment Weekly - on the EBSCO platform
Entrepreneur - on Gale and ProQuest platforms.
Forbes - recommend using the Business Source Complete link
Foreign Policy - On Gale and EBSCO platforms.
Fortune - use Business Source Complete.
Harper's - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
Inc. - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
Mother Jones - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
The Nation - On EBSCO and Gale platform.
National Review - on the EBSCO and Gale platforms
The New Republic - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
The New Yorker - on both ProQuest and Gale platforms.
People - on the EBSCO platform
Popular Mechanics - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
Psychology Today - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
Reason - On Gale, EBSCO, and ProQuest platforms.
Rolling Stone - on the EBSCO and ProQuest platforms.
Scientific American - On EBSCO platform.
Sports Illustrated - on Gale and EBSCO platforms.
Time - on the EBSCO platform.
Wired - on the Gale and ProQuest platforms.