Engineering database platform that includes Compendex, Inspec and GEOBASE (all listed separately), which can be searched individually or together.
Engineering indexing/full-text database that covers the publisher's books and reference sources and allows searching for numeric or tabular data. On the Knovel platform. An app for iOS and Android tablets, “My Knovel ToGo”, is available to permit offline reading.
Large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. On an Elsevier platform.
Engineering reference database that covers ASTM standards, journals, symposia, manuals and eBooks as well as a dictionary of terms. On the ASTM platform.
Major geology indexing database that covers maps, journals, books, conference papers, reports and theses. It covers North American geology back to 1669 and world geology back to 1933. On the ProQuest platform.
Video journal offering demonstrations of experiments in biology, neuroscience, immunology and infection, medicine, bioengineering, engineering, chemistry, environment, and developmental biology.
This database is a comprehensive index to world literature on the business and industry aspect of materials science, engineering, aerospace and advanced technologies. News, product and process developments, plant development and construction, international trade data, government regulations and management issues are all covered.
New interface to this major chemistry database covering journals, patents, dissertations, books, and websites, as well as specialized substance and reactions sources. Also includes the MethodsNow database of full synthetic protocols, the PatentPak interactive patent mapping tool, and the Retrosynthesis Computer-Aided Synthetic Design (CASD) module for automated retrosynthesis planning. Access requires creation of a personal account; logins previously created for SciFinder Scholar remain valid for SciFinder-n.
Areas covered include materials science, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, biology, aquatic sciences, environmental science, computer science and earth sciences in addition to many more. It fully incorporates ProQuest Natural Science Collection and ProQuest Technology Collection.
Repository of technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia, and data funded by the U.S. Department of Energy from the 1940s to today. Consolidates the contents of OSTI's Information Bridge and Energy Citations Database.
Optics indexing/full-text database that provides SPIE eJournals, conference proceedings and eBooks back to 1990. On the SPIE platform.
Transportation research database which combines TRIS (Transportation Research Information Services Database) and ITRD (International Transport Research Documentation Database). On the TRB platform.
Database platform from that combines citation and traditional indexing databases, covering the sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities.
Multidisciplinary collection of library-licensed journals and ebooks published by Wiley and associated publishers.